Kumon UK raise £9,000 for CSR partner the National Literacy Trust

Kumon UK raise £9,000 for CSR partner the National Literacy Trust

In just four months Kumon Educational has raised over £9,000 for Corporate Social Responsibility Partner the National Literacy Trust, to share our love of reading with disadvantaged children across the UK. And the fundraising doesn’t stop there!

At Kumon, we understand that reading skills are vital for children’s development so, throughout 2014 we are supporting the charity with a variety of fundraising activities to raise as much money as possible to help them support schools in underprivileged communities and motivate children to discover reading for pleasure.

A team of Kumon Associates have already taken part in a Where’s Wally Fun Run, participated in a World Book Day Book Swap and baked for a Great Literacy Bake Off. Additionally we have sponsored a Mary Poppins themed book bench where the National Literacy Trust will be bringing a public art event with a difference to the streets of London in summer 2014.

To further celebrate the joys of reading, we will be hosting a two month Summer Festival of Reading throughout the UK in July and August 2014. Kumon students will be encouraged to take part in a Spectacular Sponsored Summer Read with the aim of raising funds for the National Literacy Trust, and to give Kumon students an independent target to work towards, building their love of reading.

Kumon Instructors across the country will also be hosting reading events in their local community, providing an opportunity for families and children of all ages to come together and read magical tales, share favourite stories and dedicate time to enjoying the wealth of benefits that come from reading a book.

Additionally, book giveaways will be held each week during the festival on the Kumon UK Facebook and Twitter pages, using the handle #kumonreadingfestival.

The Summer Festival of Reading will be a wonderful opportunity to engage Kumon students in a national initiative helping children less fortunate than themselves, whilst also developing and recognising their own reading skills.

Lorna Taylor, Corporate Partnership for the National Literacy Trust says: “We’re incredibly grateful for the support from Kumon already this year, which will help us work with more disadvantaged children and young people who struggle with literacy across the UK. We’re now looking forward to Kumon’s Summer Festival of Reading and hope that lots of Kumon students take part in the sponsored read. 20% of children leave primary school without the required literacy levels, so the support of partners like Kumon is very important.”

The Kumon English Programme aims to develop students’ ability to read and understand a variety of texts, and to nurture a life-long habit of reading for education and enjoyment. The programme progresses from basic word and sentence building and culminates in critiquing advanced texts. Through daily study of this programme, students develop a wide range of reading comprehension skills, ultimately enabling them to interpret information in advanced literature and become proficient readers.

To find out more about the Kumon English Programme, visit kumon.co.uk/English. You can also enjoy reading student success stories on our blog.


For media information, case studies and images, please contact Natalie Bailey on 020 8447 9020 ext. 268 or email natalie.bailey@kumon.co.uk


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