10 Reasons Loudermilk Season 4 Still Needs To Happen

10 Reasons Loudermilk Season 4 Still Needs To Happen

Summary Loudermilk's streaming success on Netflix has sparked calls for a season 4, showcasing its newfound popularity.

Season 4 plans include fresh storylines, possible fame for Loudermilk, and incorporating contemporary cultural commentary.

With potential guest stars, a revitalized Ron Livingston, and stable home on Netflix, Loudermilk has a promising future.

Loudermilk never got its due while it was airing, but since being added to Netflix, there's more reason than ever that the hidden gem comedy TV show should get a season 4. Starring Ron Livingston as Sam Loudermilk, the series follows its titular character as he navigates life in Seattle as a sobriety sponsor and recovering alcoholic. Though he's an effective mentor and a decent guy deep down, Loudermilk frequently puts people off with his lightning-fast quips that only a few people in his life can keep up with.

It wasn't until all three seasons were added to Netflix that the series began to gain traction, and calls for a season 4 have never been louder.

During its initial run, Loudermilk flew almost entirely under the radar, as it aired on the now defunct AT&T Audience Network, with season 3 later released on Prime Video. It wasn't until all three seasons were added to Netflix that the series began to gain traction, and calls for a season 4 have never been louder. Catching up with the cast and characters of Loudermilk a few years after the show's initial conclusion would provide further comedic moments and allow unfinished story arcs to get satisfying resolutions.

Watch Loudermilk on Netflix.

Related Loudermilk Season 4 Story Revealed By Creator After Prime Video Cancelation, Major Netflix Success Following Loudermilk's cancelation and subsequent comeback on Netflix, creator Peter Farrelly reveals the plot for the show's scrapped season 4.

10 Loudermilk Has Found Major Streaming Success On Netflix

Like many older shows, Loudermilk has found its home in streaming


Netflix and other major streamers have been instrumental in reviving followings or creating them for shows that didn't have the largest fanbase while they aired. A recent example of this was the explosive popularity of Suits, the legal drama that ran for nine seasons on the USA Network. Of course, having nine successful seasons isn't a failure by any means, but after being added to Netflix an entirely new generation of fans were exposed to the show. It's become so successful that the Suits L.A. spinoff show has greenlit and is expected to make a splash.

Fortunately, Loudermilk hasn't been off the air quite long enough to justify a spinoff, so the next logical step is for season 4 to start development. Maintaining the integrity of the show will be paramount to its continued success, and a large part of that will be ensuring that the original cast returns for season 4. The show couldn't continue without Livingston, but other actors such as Will Sasso as Ben Burns and Anja Savcic as Claire Wilkes will be vital to recapture the momentum of Loudermilk's entrance on streaming.

9 Loudermilk Season 4's Story Sounds Totally Fresh After 3 Seasons

It will expand the story's world and justify the continuation


Sometimes, when a TV show comes back after cancelation or a prolonged hiatus, the reintroduction of the characters can feel forced. However, Loudermilk season 4 won’t have this problem. Series creator, Peter Farrelly understands that staying in Seattle forever and rehashing the same plotlines and dynamics wouldn't be compelling, and there needs to be a clear reason to revisit these characters. Additionally, a lot has changed in the world since the show's cancelation in 2020, opening the door for plenty of the cultural commentary that Loudermilk is known for.

Today shows about the intersection between fame and the desire to have a normal life have never been more popular.

Season 4 will feature exciting new possibilities for Loudermilk himself, and see him potentially get his book published, grapple with fame, and deal with the aftermath of his newfound success (via Deadline). Today shows about the intersection between fame and the desire to have a normal life have never been more popular. This would allow Loudermilk to stay relevant and incorporate plots inside and outside Seattle. These new storylines could transform the show into something interesting to incoming viewers.

8 Loudermilk Is Finding A Whole New Audience

Audiences who discovered the show on streaming come from many demographics


Though it's difficult to know Loudermilk’s exact numbers on Netflix, it ranked in the top ten on TV shows for a long time, and this wouldn't be possible without audience members of all generations watching. When looking back at Loudermilk some of the jokes can be a little dated, but it also deals with contemporary topics important to younger audiences. Capitalizing on a younger audience would be a good move for Loudermilk as those viewers are more likely to stick with streaming and keep watching the show.

That being said, Loudermilk shouldn't alienate its existing audience when entering the series' new era. Loudermilk should be the same curmudgeon he's always been, and there should be callbacks to the earlier seasons. Finding a balance between pleasing the original fans and introducing newcomers to the show won't be easy, but it's something that Loudermilk is capable of. If season 4 is confirmed it will encourage even more viewers to start watching to catch up before the premiere.

7 Peter Farrelly Has Big Plans For Loudermilk Season 4

As well as many more seasons in the future


Peter Farrelly is known for some of the best comedy movies of all time, and with Loudermilk he had the opportunity to flex his dramatic muscles in ways audiences never expected.

Peter Farrelly is known for some of the best comedy movies of all time, and with Loudermilk he had the opportunity to flex his dramatic muscles in ways audiences never expected. Movies like Dumb and Dumber and There's Something About Mary have stood the test of time in comedic circles. However, the reason Loudermilk works is that it blends comedy and drama so effectively. Due to this, Loudermilk can extend its longevity long past season 4, and this is what Farrelly is hoping for.

Farrelly has hinted about the potential for fame coming between Loudermilk and his crew back in Seattle and has also mentioned the possibility that he will go back and forth between these two lives. This will inevitably cause tension between the two groups, introducing Loudermilk to the realities of fame and fortune, something he might not be ready for. The next seasons would likely take the time between seasons in its stride and use it as an opportunity to develop the characters in new and unexpected ways.

Related 10 Funniest Scenes In Loudermilk, Ranked Loudermilk has managed to keep the laughs coming over 3 seasons, with irreverent humor that isn't afraid to tackle all kinds of subjects.

6 There's Potential For Amazing Guest Stars

Loudermilk could meet high-profile stars in the future

Based on Farrelly's descriptions of what season 4 will be about, there is a huge opportunity for strong guest stars to be included in the show and anchor its popularity with newer audiences. Utilizing guest stars is historically an effective way to draw in viewers who might not have heard of the show, but want to see their favorite actors or personalities featured in a fun cameo or recurring role. Since Loudermilk had a low budget for most of its run, there weren’t opportunities for incorporating intriguing guest spots into the plot.

Comedies are known for having excellent guests and shows like 30 Rock had the best guest stars on TV for a long time because the series let the actors play themselves in addition to new and interesting characters. Most likely, Loudermilk would have the guests play themselves if they interacted with Loudermilk in the context of his newfound fame. Seeing not only Loudermilk, but the members of his group try to interact with celebrities will make for hilarious moments.

5 Ron Livingston Is Making A Comeback

Loudermilk's new fame has translated into more exposure for Livingston


Though Ron Livingston hasn't faded into obscurity, lately, he hasn't been in the public eye as much as other actors of his caliber and range. He was working on Loudermilk during this time, but since the series didn't get the reception it deserved, neither did Livingston. However, as the protagonist, Livingston does an excellent job portraying Loudermilk and the show couldn't exist without him. Loudermilk season 4 couldn't happen without Livingston, and the newfound fame and success of the show means his career will be revitalized as well.

Anja Savcic, who plays Claire, is a fantastic foil to Loudermilk, and their dynamic is the heart of the show in many ways.

The same could be true for many actors who work alongside Livingston, bringing the world of Loudermilk to life as an ensemble. Anja Savcic, who plays Claire, is a fantastic foil to Loudermilk, and their dynamic is the heart of the show in many ways. According to Farrelly, the odds are good that most of the cast will be willing to come back for season 4. If season 4 takes off and Loudermilk continues to grow in popularity, the same will be true for the actors in the series.

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4 Netflix Could Give Loudermilk A Permanent Home

Providing a stable future for the series


Trying to make a cohesive and compelling TV series when the threat of cancelation is always hanging over the heads of the actors and creators is a difficult way to tell a story. While this is often the case due to the precarious nature of television today, jumping from network to network, and hoping that the next season will be made available to audiences is incredibly stressful. If Prime Video hadn't picked up season 3 and given it a home, Loudermilk might have faded into complete obscurity, making a season 4 impossible.

Instead, the entire show is currently on Netflix, but this could change in an instant. Streamers and platforms are constantly bidding over what company will get the rights to have a series on their site. It's not uncommon for a show to be available on multiple streamers. However, Netflix could permanently acquire the rights to Loudermilk and produce season 4. This way, the show could have a stable home for the first time. Since Loudermilk has done so well for Netflix the time for them to capitalize on this forward motion is now.

3 Increased Interest In Stories About Recovery

Contemporary shows are more willing to be honest about the realities of addiction


Since its premiere, many more shows have started incorporating elements of addiction and recovery into their plotlines.

What Loudermilk does better than many other shows about addiction, is incorporate the love and friendship that binds together recovery groups. Loudermilk might be a difficult man, but he loves the people he works with and cares about their sobriety enormously. Many popular TV shows only include the darkness of addiction, and while this is a valid take on the subject, it's not what Loudermilk set out to do. Since its premiere, many more shows have started incorporating elements of addiction and recovery into their plotlines.

The short-lived comedy, Single Drunk Female took a similar approach to Loudermilk by incorporating humor and navigating interpersonal dynamics. Conversely, the teen drama, Euphoria, took a dramatized view of what addiction looks like for young people growing up in the age of social media. All these shows occupy their own niches, but Loudermilk stands above the rest and deserves to test itself by moving into the story’s next phase. Loudermilk will have new parts of recovery to tackle in his next stage of life.

2 Now Is The Perfect Moment To Utilize A Time Jump

The right amount of time has passed and audiences are ready

Though viewers might not have been poised to grasp the nuances of Loudermilk when it began in 2017, the shift toward darker humor mixed with genuine heart in the cultural mindset has never been stronger. Additionally, due to the recent impacts of COVID-19 and the WGA and SAG strikes, many shows and movies have experienced significant hiatuses. Time jumps or long gaps between seasons have never been more common, meaning Loudermilk must start on season 4 while other series are still catching up.

Loudermilk season 3 did a good job of leaving off with a satisfying ending but left enough up to the imagination that season 4 would be justified in the future. This was a wise decision on the part of the writers and producers, ensuring that a time skip wouldn't disrupt the flow of the story. Picking up right where season 3 left off wouldn't make sense even if the show had stopped airing last year. The characters had gone through significant growth and development, meaning catching up with them at a later time makes perfect sense.

1 Peter Farrelly Has Gained Traction With Ricky Stanicky

He has enough traction to warrant the return of a beloved project


Like most filmmakers, Farrelly doesn't always get to work on his passion projects, and though Ricky Stanicky wasn't his most serious work, it was still a hit with many audience members. Released on Prime Video, the movie returned to the classic comedies Farrelly is known for and illustrates to networks and producers that giving him another season of Loudermilk wouldn't be a risk. With the success of Ricky Stanicky and the revival of Loudermilk's fanbase happening simultaneously, Farrelly is poised to have solid creative control over his next project.

Loudermilk is unlike most of Farrelly's other projects, but that is what could draw in fans of his other work. Many of his movies were at their height of popularity in the 1990s and early 2000s, so younger audiences that watched Ricky Stanicky are being introduced to Farrelly's work for the first time. The next logical step is for them to get into Loudermilk, which would catapult season 4 into popularity.

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