Godzilla Secretly Got Justice For His Original Kong Rival In Godzilla x Kong

Godzilla Secretly Got Justice For His Original Kong Rival In Godzilla x Kong

Summary In Godzilla x Kong, Godzilla finally got justice for his ancient rivalry with Kong's species through the defeat of Skar King.

Tiamat's victory over Kong's ancestor hints at her impressive power level, making her a formidable opponent in the Monsterverse.

By killing Tiamat, Godzilla avenged his old rival, whose death had remained unresolved for thousands of years in the Monsterverse.

Thanks to Godzilla x Kong: The New Empire, Godzilla was able to get justice for his original Great Ape rival. While Godzilla and Kong's fight in Godzilla vs. Kong was their first meeting in Legendary's Monsterverse, it's no secret that Godzilla has fought his species before. That fact has been apparent ever since Kong: Skull Island when a cave painting in the movie's credits all but confirmed that Godzilla and an unknown member of Kong's species clashed at some point in the Monsterverse's history

Godzilla vs. Kong elaborated on this further, confirming that Godzilla and Kong's ancestors engaged in an event referred to as the Titan War. Godzilla x Kong offered additional details by revealing that Godzilla was also at odds with the Monsterverse's Skar King. By Godzilla x Kong's ending, the Monsterverse saw this ancient conflict finally come to an end with Skar King's death. Interestingly, this wasn't the only fight in the Monsterverse that resolved a loose end from the past. In a much more subtle way, the battle between Godzilla and Tiamat also relates to Godzilla's history with the Great Apes of the Monsterverse.

By Killing Tiamat, Godzilla Avenged His Titan War Rival

Tiamat's backstory reveals a deeper meaning to Godzilla's win over Tiamat

Prior to her big-screen debut in Godzilla x Kong, Tiamat made her first appearance in Godzilla: Dominion, a graphic novel that helped set up Godzilla vs. Kong. To that end, the story featured several nods to Godzilla's ancient rivalry with a specific, unnamed member of Kong's species. As evidenced by the flashbacks and hints provided in Godzilla: Dominion, Godzilla and this Great Ape were once enemies. Surprisingly, this mystery ape Titan even defeated Godzilla when the latter was much younger. But if a hint in the comic is any indication, Godzlla's rival eventually met his end at the hands of Tiamat.

In Godzilla: Dominion, Godzilla was shown looking for his Great Ape rival (presumably for a rematch) when he entered Tiamat's lair. Spotted in the cave was what could clearly be identified as a Kong skull. The implication of this detail was that Tiamat entered the Great Ape's domain, killed him, and made it her own territory. Now, Tiamat has been slain by her victim's greatest enemy. In killing Tiamat, Godzilla effectively gave justice to his old rival, whose death had gone avenged for thousands of years in the Monsterverse timeline.

How Did Tiamat Kill Kong's Ancestor?

Somehow, Tiamat pulled off an extremely impressive win

Of course, exactly what happened between Godzilla x Kong: The New Empire's Tiamat and Kong's ancestor may never be known in the Monsterverse. Even so, what's been established about Tiamat's power level makes a scenario where she beats a Great Ape - even one powerful enough to defeat a young Godzilla - seem plausible. As Tiamat's fight with Godzilla in Dominion proved, she's extremely formidable in the water. Kong's performance against Godzilla in the ocean shows he's at a disadvantage when underwater, which could be what gave Tiamat the edge.

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