Transformers Lore Gets Shocking Rewrite With New Revelations About Their Origin

Transformers Lore Gets Shocking Rewrite With New Revelations About Their Origin

Summary Void Rivals #9 hints at a new origin for the Transformers in the Energon Universe, connecting Cybertron to the Sacred Ring's history.

Alpha-Trion's possible connection to Zerta-Trion suggests a deeper conspiracy at the heart of the Energon Universe.

Autobot triple-changer Springer's appearance hints at more revelations about the Transformers' history coming in Void Rivals.

WARNING! Spoilers ahead for Void Rivals #9The Transformers have a new origin in the Energon Universe, as the latest issue of Skybound Entertainment’s Void Rivals hints that there’s a deeper connection between Transfomers' Cybertron and Void Rivals' Sacred Ring. According to Void Rivals #9, the series' central war between the planets Zertonia and Agorra may date back to ancient Cybertronian history, setting up an intriguing mystery of how the Transformers came to be in this universe…

Coming from the creative team of Robert Kirkman, Lorenzo De Felici, Patricio Delpeche and Rus Wooton, Void Rivals #9 ends with a scene taking place on the planet Quintessa. There, a Quintesson scientist reveals to the Quintesson Judge that the Zertonian ship, which they acquired from the Skuxxoids, contains metal that dates back to ancient Cybertron.

The scientist then points out the similarity between “Zertonia” and a mysterious being called “Zerta-Trion.” After mentioning the latter’s name, the scientist is zapped by the multi-headed Quintesson Judge, killing him where he stands. “Speaking that name has long been forbidden,” the Judge says, setting up a new mystery.

Void Rivals is all about the war between two races fighting for survival over the Sacred Ring, the remnants of the planets Agorria and Zertonia that collapsed around the edges of a black hole.

Who Is Zerta-Trion? Transformers’ New Energon Universe Mystery

While there has never been a “Zerta-Trion” in previous Transformers media, the name does suggest a connection to Alpha-Trion, an important figure in the franchise’s mythology. While many versions have appeared throughout the various Transformers reboots over the decades, Alpha-Trion is typically depicted as one of the oldest Transformers and an instrumental figure in the founding of Cybertron. In the G1 cartoon, Alpha-Trion was previously a worker named A-3 on a factory world controlled by the Quintessons. A-3/Alpha-Trion was instrumental in leading a rebellion that would overthrow the Quintessons and establish their factory planet as the independent world of Cybertron.

How much of that classic continuity plays into the Energon Universe remains to be seen, but the creators have largely taken their cues from Transformers’ G1 era. It’s easy to assume that much of that history will remain in place for the new continuity, albeit tweaked slightly to fit the Energon Universe’s needs. The Quintesson Judge’s snap decision to kill his scientist after pointing out the similarities between Zertonia and Zerta-Trion suggests a conspiracy at the heart of the Energon Universe, one that will tie Void Rivals even more closely together with Transformers’ new continuity.

Void Rivals Hints at the Transformers’ Origins In the Energon Universe

The appearance of Autobot triple-changer Springer signals that Void Rivals will continue to build out the Energon Universe in intriguing new ways. The appearance of Hot Rod in the Void Rivals portion of the FCBD Energon Universe Special also suggests more revelations about the Transformers’ history to come, as Hot Rod is on the trail of a missing Autobot who went in search of some ancient Cybertronian legend that would save their homeworld. All of these disparate story threads are playing out through the Energon Universe, hopefully leading to even more exciting revelations about the Transformers’ history in the pages of Void Rivals.

Void Rivals #9 is available now from Skybound Entertainment.

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