Captain America 4’s Trailer Looks Great, But I’m Still Nervous Because Of A 2023 Marvel Disaster
Summary Captain America 4's tone is akin to The Winter Soldier's, but many said the same about Secret Invasion's trailers.
Secret Invasion proved that a strong tone alone does not dictate a good story, meaning many should not judge Captain America 4 completely based on its marketing.
Judging any project based on trailers is unwise. Trailers can dictate excitement, but praise and criticism should be reserved for the final product.
Despite the promise of Captain America: Brave New World's first trailer, I am still nervous about the film thanks to a disappointing Marvel project from 2023. Unlike many, I have held high hopes for Captain America 4 since the ending of Falcon and the Winter Soldier. Although the second Disney+ Marvel show received some criticism, I am one who thoroughly enjoyed most of the show, especially Sam Wilson's transition into Captain America.
As such, Captain America 4's story is one I have been anticipating, partly to see Anthony Mackie's first solo theatrical outing as Cap, and partly for the promising MCU connections the film has to The Incredible Hulk. Another aspect that furthered my anticipation for the film is Captain America: Brave New World's trailer. That said, while I was impressed with many aspects of the teaser, a Marvel flop from 2023 is giving me cause for concern, and equally causing me to check my expectations for Captain America 4.
Captain America 4’s Trailer Looks Like The Winter Soldier - But So Did Secret Invasion’s
The Tone Of Captain America 4 Looks Perfect, But I Have Been Betrayed By This Before
Perhaps the standout aspect of Captain America 4's trailer was its tone. The film resembles Captain America: The Winter Soldier in its atmosphere and story set-up, with the latter remaining one of the best-ranked Marvel movies. However, I quickly remembered that I had this feeling before, back in late 2022 and early 2023 when the marketing for Disney+'s Secret Invasion got underway.
As Secret Invasion proved, a strong tone alone can not fix other storytelling problems...
When the first trailers for Secret Invasion were released, myself and many others, lauded the style of them, with the tone promising to be the grounded, spy-thriller vibe many desired from Marvel after years of silliness. In terms of tone, Secret Invasion seemed to be a return to form. However, the show itself was incredibly disappointing due to baffling character choices, the overall plot, the lack of connections or importance to the MCU, and its final episode. As Secret Invasion proved, a strong tone alone can not fix other storytelling problems.
With Captain America: Brave New World's trailer striking a similar tone, the betrayal of Secret Invasion is fresh in my mind. I am hesitant to get overly excited about the former based on tone alone, given that I did exactly the same with the latter. This resulted in Secret Invasion's lack of quality being all the more disappointing, meaning I will not be so quick to repeat my mistakes and judge Captain America: Brave New World before it comes out, no matter how fantastic the trailer looks.
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I’m Worried For Captain America 4’s Final Act After Secret Invasion
Could Captain America Repeat Secret Invasion's Biggest Mistake?
As I alluded to, the biggest issue with Secret Invasion was the show's ending. While the writing throughout most of the show was underwhelming plot-wise, the decision to throw away one of the best aspects of Secret Invasion - its more grounded, spy-thriller tone - for a bombastic CGI fight in the final episode was overly disheartening. Given that I am comparing Captain America 4's trailers to Secret Invasion's, I am apprehensive that the former's final act will repeat the latter's mistake.
As was revealed in Captain America: Brave New World's trailer, Red Hulk will be part of the movie. Played by none other than Harrison Ford in Captain America 4's cast, the inclusion of Red Hulk is undoubtedly exciting. Nonetheless, Red Hulk will have to fit with Captain America: Brave New World's seemingly more grounded tone to feel warranted. The balance of how to use Red Hulk will need to be perfect so as to not repeat Secret Invasion's mistake of throwing away a promising atmosphere for a mindless CGI fight that any superhero project could put to screen.
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The Marketing Of Secret Invasion & Captain America: Brave New World Provide A Valuable LessonFor Fans
Judging Projects Based On Marketing Is Never A Wise Move
When all is said and done, the point is that projects should never be judged based solely on their trailers and marketing. Although I am admittedly putting into question Captain America 4's trailer and comparing it with Secret Invasion, I am simply expressing my hesitance to judge the movie before it is even released. With Secret Invasion, I almost subconsciously convinced myself it would be the best Marvel project since The Winter Soldier, primarily because the tone of both projects was similar. This resulted in a higher level of disappointment when I finally watched the show.
I am now able to accept that Captain America: Brave New World looks incredibly promising, but could end up the opposite...
Thanks to the lessons I learned with Secret Invasion, I am now able to accept that Captain America: Brave New World looks incredibly promising, but could end up the opposite. On the contrary, it could do everything right and become one of Marvel Studios' best. The point is, we will not know that until the film releases on February 14, 2025.
More so than ever, recent online discourse regarding film and TV is too quick to judge. Either something is the best project ever or a disgrace to cinema, with some projects even being tarred with this hyperbole based on trailers. It is okay to gauge excitement for something based on marketing; after all, that is what trailers are for. However, the cautionary tale involved here is not to convince yourself that a film or show will be perfect or terrible based solely on those trailers. Secret Invasion reiterated that lesson for me, and it is one I will carry over to Captain America: Brave New World.