How to Fill Your VC Fundraising Pipeline

Everyone starts their fundraising the same way: 1) Open a shared Google Sheet. 2) List all the VCs you've ever heard of. 3) Ask a bunch of people who they know. 4) Find out very quickly this isn't very effective. First off, most people in the world can't name any …...Read More

Why Don't More Emerging VCs Have Coaches?

Being a VC means not only honing your skills as a judge of character, assessor of business models, and calculator of risk, but it’s also a lot of difficult interpersonal communications, narrative creation, and long-term goal setting and positioning. While some of the hard skills and prerequisites to do the …...Read More

This is Going to Be... Not on Substack

Almost 20 years ago, sometime after Fred Wilson started writing and just before Brad Feld jumped in, I started “blogging”. I put that in quotes because no one really calls it blogging anymore and there aren’t even that many people still doing it from those days. A few went pro …...Read More

Why Most Startup Events Suck for Both Investors and Founders

All of our planning starts with the following two premises: 1) We’re not in the business of events, and so if we’re going to do something, it shouldn’t suck, because then we’re wasting everyone’s time, including our own. 2) Most startup events suck. Why? It’s overly simplistic to say that …...Read More

The Twenty Year Itch: My Last VC Investment Out of Brooklyn Bridge Ventures

Last August, I passed the point at which I had spent literally half my entire life working in this asset class, having started at the General Motors pension fund doing institutional investments in venture funds and late-stage directs back in February of 2001. No matter how you slice it and …...Read More

Find me at Focused Chaos

It’s been a couple years since my last post here, and once again it’s December and I’ve been doing a fair bit of reflecting. I love this blog. I love writing. But I’ve decided to try something new. I’ve launched a newsletter called Focused Chaos. I’ll be writing there about …...Read More

Here comes 2020 (and what I’ve been up to for 3+ years)

Almost three years ago I wrote a blog post titled Hello, 2017. That was the last blog post I wrote. Since then I’ve been completely heads down building Highline Beta. It’s been quite the journey. Building a startup is basically an all-consuming experience, physically and mentally. The ups and downs …...Read More

Hello, 2017

2016 was one heck of a year. It started with a fairly big shakeup professionally. I didn’t end up taking much time off; instead I started meeting with lots of people and looking for my next adventure. In July, 2016 I announced the launch of my new startup, Highline BETA. …...Read More

“You Don’t Look Like a Founder”

WTF does that even mean? It means: You’re not a young white guy. And it’s total bullshit. Heather Anne Carson, co-founder @ Repable recently posted this on Facebook: (She didn’t ask me to write this.) Oy. It’s not surprising that guys feel / think this way (but saying it out …...Read More

Who Really Wants to Work in a Factory?

In a recent presentation I gave on the use of data in the product management/development process there was one slide that I ended up taking out. It didn’t fit the flow of the talk, but I think it’s still an important point. Here’s the slide: The presentation in question was …...Read More